Tuesday, June 17, 2014

10 Facts About Me!

Since my blog is still fairly new I wanted to share a few facts/quirks about me to further introduce myself better! I love reading "facts" lists so I figured this would be a perfect time to list some things about me! Enjoy!!

1. I was born & raised in the same southern beach town I still reside in! As much as I love it here, I'm not sure if I want to live here forever! This is home to me, but JH and I also love to travel so we may fall in love with another location instead!

2. I take skincare very seriously and refuse to go to bed with even a trace of makeup still on my face- no matter how tired I am! I'm always wearing sunscreen and searching out new products... I know it sounds crazy for a girl in her early twenties to be this attentive but it's just something I love and I think it's really important! I even considered going to esthetics school for awhile before deciding on education!

3. I'm an education major!! I plan on eventually emphasizing secondary education/developmental psychology and working as a counselor in a middle school! I've always had a heart for this age group and if I could work with them forever I would feel so blessed!

4. I've never broken a bone before! I've twisted my ankle a few times but that's as close as I've gotten to breaking a bone! I think if I were to break a bone right now I would definitely monogram the cast! Hahaha :)

5. I have two sisters that are older than me and live in Georgia! Georgia is like my second home and I LOVE UGA football!!! Go dawgs!!!!

6. In high school I was in honors chorus and several plays and musicals. I love theatre! I didn't really have a "clique" that I followed... I was just a preppy girl that was friends with everyone!

7. My Lilly obsession started in 2011... So it is fairly recent! The first Lilly purchase I made was an agenda for school & JH bought me my first Lilly dress in the summer of 2012 in the print "Ahoy There" ... I still cherish it!

8. Jesus is my Salvation and my Savior!! I was raised in church until I was about fifteen and then I drifted. I thank God for that because even though it seems like a bad thing it brought me back to Him during a recent dark time in my life and I have found refuge and strength in Him.

9. I love being pampered! Having my nails done, getting a massage or a pedicure is the ultimate relaxation for me. I also cherish "me time" and I'm more happy pinning on my iPad in bed at 9:30 than at a big crowded party. I love being social but I really enjoy quiet time as well!

10. Before I got the job I work at now, I used to work at a gym for tumbling and gymnastics as a basic gymnastics coach!! I loved all of the kids I worked with and I learned a lot from my time working there!

What are a few facts that aren't obvious about you?? Thanks for reading!!

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